Letter from Henry Padon

13.10.2013 18:12

Hi it is me, your son, Henry Padon from Tanzania.


I would like to express my sincere thanks to the St. Watoto Yatima Foundation.

I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the foundation who took the initial step of sending me to school to climb these academic hills.

Thanks a lot to you.


I wish to publish the foundation and I have alot of planning about the foundation and also advice contribution in order to move up our foundation.

Now I am looking for a job.


At the end of next month I wish to go to Mwanza to celebrate my graduation of my first degree: 23 november 2013.

My plan is to extend my education level more, then the first bachelor (masters and PHD)

I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the whole family Martens, Jauco and Corine, to Marion Slaats and to my "mother" Remija Mbanga

May the Mighty Lord Bless All.


With regards,

Henry Padon